Four New Kids on the p-Block

Four new elements were recently added to the periodic table which is something super cool, well heavy actually!

In 2016, research groups from Japan, Russia, and the United States discovered four new elements that were added to the periodic table of elements. These elements were numbered 113, 115, 117, and 118, and were classified as “superheavy” elements because they have more than 104 protons in their nucleiContinue reading “Four New Kids on the p-Block”

AI tracks a coral reef’s health by listening to its “song”

Scientists have discovered a new way to track the health of coral reefs by listening to their “song

A healthy reef is a noisy place, with fish whooping and croaking, shrimp clacking their claws, and even seaweed making noise as it photosynthesizes. A team working in Indonesia has paired insights about these sounds with new computer and audio-recording equipment to create swifter and cheaper reef health-checks… Continue reading “AI tracks a coral reef’s health by listening to its “song””