Species Mixing Made Easy: the Role of Virus-like Transposons

Credit Image: @RobynsWeb

“Scientists have identified a vector of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in worms, which could lead to the discovery of further vectors of HGT in eukaryotes. HGT is a major evolutionary force within microbial communities and allows for the acquisition of novel traits that are unique…”

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Australia Leads the Way in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Credit Image:@RobynsWeb & DALL-E

“Australia has become the first country to legalise the use of psychedelics to treat some mental health conditions. From July, 2023, psychiatrists can prescribe MDMA (ecstasy) for PTSD and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) for treatment-resistant depression. …”

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Earliest Strands of the Cosmic Web

Credit Image: @RobynsWeb & DALL-E

“Galaxies are not scattered randomly across the universe. They gather together not only into clusters, but into vast interconnected filamentary structures with gigantic barren voids in between. This ‘cosmic web’ started out tenuous and became more distinct over time as gravity drew matter together…”

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Milky Way’s Hidden Structure Revealed by Ghostly Neutrinos

Credit Image: @RobynsWeb & DALL-E

“Neutrinos are elusive particles that rarely interact with matter, but they can reveal secrets about the universe that light cannot. For the first time, neutrinos have been used to create an image of the Milky Way, showing its shape and structure in a new way…”

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18/06/23 Headlines

Credit Image: @RobynsWeb & DALL-E

Polyester Bees Brew Beer-Scented Baby Food in Plastic Cribs

Meet the polyester bees, the single moms of the insect world who make their own plastic and brew their own beer for their kids. These bees belong to the Colletidae family and have a unique way of taking care of their young. They use a gland on their abdomen to secrete lactone molecules…, Continue reading “Polyester Bees Brew Beer-Scented Baby Food in Plastic Cribs”

Pass the Salt: This Space Rock Holds Clues as to How Earth Got its Water

Have you ever wondered where Earth got its water from? Well, it might have been delivered by some salty space rocks that were not as dry as we thought. These rocks are called S-type asteroids, and they make up about 87% of the meteorites that fall on Earth. Continue reading “Pass the Salt: This Space Rock Holds Clues as to How Earth Got its Water”

World’s Largest Captive Croc Turns 120 Providing Real Insights into Longevity

The article tells the story of Cassius, a saltwater crocodile who is the world’s largest captive croc and who just turned 120 years old. Cassius was captured in 1984 on a cattle farm in Australia, where he was causing trouble by eating livestock. He was then moved to a crocodile park on Green Island, where he has been living ever since.  Continue reading “World’s Largest Captive Croc Turns 120 Providing Real Insights into Longevity”

Primordial Steroids Solve Long-Standing Mystery About How the First Complex Life-Forms Evolved

The article describes a new discovery of ancient steroids in rocks that are 1.6 billion years old. These steroids are produced by eukaryotic organisms, which are cells with nuclei and membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotes include plants, animals and fungi, and they are more complex than prokaryotes, which are cells without nuclei and organelles. Continue reading “Primordial Steroids Solve Long-Standing Mystery About How the First Complex Life-Forms Evolved”